IASOS Start your journey with the first light of the day. Follow the colorful Akbük Kazıklı route. While you are in the Didim Akbük road, while the sun is just starting to rise, take the ridgeway to the Kazıklı. While leaving the sparkling blue of the Akbük bey behind, dive into the pinewood in its green dress, decorated with the pearls of pine cones. Meet the old olive trees on the sides of the roads in the Kazıklı village. Iasos that you reach through this beautiful road is located on a peninsula in the Kıyıkışlacık Village of Milas. Important structures that belong to the ancient city are on this peninsula. According to the finds of the excavations in Iasos, the oldest settlement in the city is dated to late 3000s AD. You should visit the Fish Market Museum, where a certain part of the finds of regular excavations in Iasos ancient city, which were done by the Italian Archeology Commission since 1960, are exhibited. The mole tower at the mouth of the harbor is a Medieval Age structure. The other tower across it was destroyed. In the past, a chain was stretched across the 52 meters wide entrance gap between the two lighthouses to control the sea traffic. It is still possible to reach the lighthouse by walking on the shore and passing through the stones of the mole that are still above the sea level. The harbor in the center of the village is a rare kind of natural harbor-bay; there is a peninsula that is covered with olive trees on one side and there is another peninsula, in which the Iasos ancient city resides on the other side. The most important reason for building the Iasos here was probably the presence of such a sheltered, natural harbor. Türkiye'de yaz aylarında nüfusu en çok artış gösteren turistik bölgeler tarafından sarılmış Körfezin bu iç noktası şaşırtıcı derecede sessiz ve sakin. One of the factors that draw people to the Kıyıkışlacık Village is the presence of plenty of cheap fish. The fishery is the second source of income among the village residents after olive cultivation. Kıyıkışlacık Bay is a natural harbor that is highly favorable for fishing. There are visitors who are traveling by sea at all hours of day and night just to buy fish or eat a delicious meal in one of the fish restaurants on the coast. The view of the ruins of the Iasos ancient city on the other side of the harbor and the centuries old olive trees while the sun is going down is an essential component of the dinners eaten here.
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